STI S.r.l. is an Independent Service Provider (ISP), i.e., it is not an authorized distributor/reseller/partner of the respective Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for the products and/or services advertised within this WEB site and in the related technical/commercial documents downloadable from it.

All names, trademarks, logos, patterns, used within the site and in the documents contained therein are intended to be the exclusive property of the original owners.

All representations, captions, descriptions, characteristics of the names, trademarks, logos, models, used within the site are intended to be used for mere descriptive and identification purposes as regulated by Legislative Decree No. 30 of February 10, 2005 and are not intended to represent, in any way, any affiliation, authorization, right whatsoever on the use of the same.


Via dell'Artigianato IV Traversa, 5 63076 · Monteprandone (AP) ITA

Lun-ven: 09:00 - 18:00