FIMER serie R Armadio rack
FIMER serie R IGBT Power Stack

R400 - R500 - R800 - R1000
R1200 - R1500TLI - R2000TLI
R2250TLI - R2500TLI - R3000TLI
R3750TLI - R4000TLI - R4500TLI
R5000TLI - R6000TL - R6800TL
R7500TL - R5515TL - R6615TL
R7715TL - R8815TL - R10015TL
R11015TL - R3015TL - R12715TL
R14015TL - R15015TL - R18615TL

R400 - R500 - R800 - R1000 - R1200 - R1500TLI - R2000TLI - R2250TLI - R2500TLI - R3000TLI - R3750TLI - R4000TLI - R4500TLI - R5000TLI - R6000TL - R6800TL - R7500TL - R5515TL - R6615TL - R7715TL - R8815TL - R10015TL - R11015TL - R3015TL - R12715TL - R14015TL - R15015TL - R18615TL

Listed below are the requirements for initial action on a failed inverter. Before proceeding with any operation: A) Verify that the model is correct; B) Carefully follow all instructions provided in the manufacturer’s operation and maintenance manual; C) Ensure that the intervention is carried out by trained personnel; D) Since this is a photovoltaic inverter with a DC input that is always live, strictly observe all applicable safety regulations.

Alarms, Errors and Warnings

Possibile soluzione


Voltage near the limit

Loose tension is close to the set limit

Check the values of the three phases: if they are close to the limit even when the inverter is off you need to check the transformer, if the phase values are close to the limit only when the inverter is running contact STI REPAIR service


Degraded service

A module failed to activate after at least three attempts.
The module was deactivated

If the problem persists, contact STI REPAIR service.


Loss of DC insulation

An inverter insulation loss has been detected.
The fuse of the "grounding KIT" has blown due to a current beyond its limit

Check the fuse of the grounding kit and replace it if it is blown.
In case the new fuse blows immediately after the new replacement, contact STI REPAIR service department


Modxxx AD Auto Zero KO

The module motherboard has a problem in resetting the parameters

Check all wire connections on the electronic boards of the modules.
If problems persist, contact the STI REPAIR Service Department.


Modxxx Alim KO 24V

Lack of 24 V DC from the module's DC stack

Check the status of VAUX auxiliary switches (they must be closed) or the presence of the auxiliary line fed by the auxiliary transformer ***.


Modxxx Capacitor KO

The module motherboard received an incorrect voltage value

Check all wire connections on the electronic boards of the modules.
If problems persist, contact the STI REPAIR Service Department.


Modxx no calibration

Problems with the calibration of the module motherboard

Contact STI REPAIR Service


Modxxx No configuration

No module configuration

Contact STI REPAIR Service


Eeprom Modxxx Error

Problems with motherboard eprom

Contact STI REPAIR Service


Modxxx Overcurrent R

Overcurrent in the first phase

Check the circuit breaker connections of the module in error but only to inform the STI REPAIR service of its main switchboard.
If possible that the overcurrent was experienced by the inverter for a temporary spike.
If the problem recurs, notify the STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx Overcurrent S

Overcurrent in the second phase

Check the circuit breaker connections of the module in error but only to inform the STI REPAIR service of its main switchboard.
If possible that the overcurrent was experienced by the inverter for a temporary spike.
If the problem recurs, notify the STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx Overcurrent T

Overcurrent in the third phase

Check the circuit breaker connections of the module in error but only to inform the STI REPAIR service of its main switchboard.
If possible that the overcurrent was experienced by the inverter for a temporary spike.
If the problem recurs, notify the STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx Overtemperature Mag1

Magnet (transformer) overtemperature
- only if the inverter is equipped with it)

Check the connection labeled "J17" on the unit control board (not present on the R15015TL inverter or otherwise in transformerless inverters).
If the cable coming from the temperature sensor (the red one) that is plugged into the magnet is well connected, the problem could be overtemperature.
Contact STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx Overtemperature Mag2

Magnet overtemperature (inductance)

Check the connection marked "J16" on the unit control board.
If the The cable coming from the temperature sensor (the gray one) that is plugged into the magnetic inductor is well connected, the problem may be overtemperature.
Contact STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx RS Overvoltage

Measured overvoltage between phases RS

Check the value of the three phases: it should be around 550Vac.
In case the phase values are ok, check the circuit breaker connections of the module in error but only to inform the STI REPAIR service about its general status.
If everything is okay, restart the inverter for a second try, you may have experienced overvoltage from the inverter for a temporary surge.
If the problem recurs, notify the STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx Overvoltage ST

Measured overvoltage between phases ST

Check the value of the three phases: it should be around 550Vac.
In case the phase values are ok, check the circuit breaker connections of the module in error but only to inform the STI REPAIR service about its general status.
If everything is okay, restart the inverter for a second try, you may have experienced overvoltage from the inverter for a temporary surge.
If the problem recurs, notify the STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx Overvoltage TR

Measured overvoltage between phases TR

Check the value of the three phases: it should be around 550Vac.
In case the phase values are ok, check the circuit breaker connections of the module in error but only to inform the STI REPAIR service about its general status.
If everything is okay, restart the inverter for a second try, you may have experienced overvoltage from the inverter for a temporary surge.
If the problem recurs, notify the STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx UDC Overvoltage

Overvoltage in DC voltage

Check the VDC voltage value and if it is within the normal range (around 850-1320 Vdc) try restarting the inverter.
In case the alarm occurs again, contact STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx Shutdown KO

Problems in driving the module's DC stack

Check the presence of the auxiliary line and/or DC pack operation of the module: if both are ok contact STI REPAIR service


Modxxx Ramp KO

Module fails to finish the startup procedure: problem reading values

Check all wire connections on the electronic boards of the modules.
If problems persist after a reboot, contact STI REPAIR Service.


Modxxx IGBT KO

Module does not start due to problems in IGBT drivers: general alarm

Check all wire connections on the electronic boards of the modules.
If problems persist after a reboot, contact STI REPAIR Service.


Modxxx has lost synchronicity

Connection problem between the Supervisor and the module motherboard.

Check the connection between the modules electrical board and the supervisor, the cable whose connection check is the multicolor flat cable.
If after verification the problem persists, contact STI REPAIR service department.


Modxxx Overtemperature

Module temperature limit

The IGBT module has reached the temperature limit.
Try a restart, but if the problem persists, contact STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx undervoltage RS

Undervoltage measured between phases RS

Check the value of the three phases: it should be around 550Vac.
In case the phase values are ok, check the circuit breaker connections of the module in error but only to inform the STI REPAIR service about its overall status.
If everything is okay, restart the inverter for a second try, you may have experienced undervoltage from the inverter for a temporary spike.
If the problem recurs, notify the STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx undervoltage ST

Undervoltage measured between ST phases

Check the value of the three phases: it should be around 550Vac.
In case the phase values are ok, check the circuit breaker connections of the module in error but only to inform the STI REPAIR service about its general status.
If everything is okay, restart the inverter for a second try, you may have experienced under voltage from the inverter for a temporary spike.
If the problem recurs, notify the STI REPAIR service.


Modxxx undervoltage TR

Undervoltage measured between phases TR

Check the value of the three phases: it should be around 550Vac.
In case the phase values are ok, check the circuit breaker connections of the module in error but only to inform the STI REPAIR service about its general status.
If everything is okay, restart the inverter for a second try, you may have experienced under voltage from the inverter for a temporary spike.
If the problem recurs, notify the STI REPAIR service.


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