General terms and conditions

These conditions apply to the contract of sale and purchase (henceforth simply “Contract”) of goods and services, and are accepted with the signing of the order confirmation.

The application of these general terms and conditions shall apply to sales, the transfer of products by the customer, the provision of goods and services and any other type of offer concluded by STI S.r.l. with customers having their registered office, residence or stable and structured representation both in the territory of the Italian Republic and in that of the Republic of San Marino, and in foreign states.

For the purposes of this contract:

  • "Customer" or "Customer" means any entity, natural or legal person, purchaser of the Products and Services provided and/or delivered by STI S.r.l.
  • "STI" means STI S.r.l. supplier of the Products, Services and Activities covered by these Terms.
  • "Offer/Agreement/Contract" means any written agreement for the supply, distribution, sale, or license of any Product or Service, entered into between STI and the Customer, or any purchase order issued by the Customer and accepted by STI.
  • "Order" means any written document issued by the Customer and/or Principal bearing a request for the supply of a Product or performance of a Service by STI.
  • "Terms" means these General Terms and Conditions for the Sale of Products and Services.
  • "Parties" means collectively the Customers and/or Clients, on the one hand, and STI, on the other hand.
  • "Products": means equipment (e.g., Photovoltaic Inverters, Wind Inverters, UPS, electronic boards, etc.) processed by the laboratory and subjected to repair work and/or remanufacturing processes. It should be noted that these are not new products placed on the market but existing products (same S/N) undergoing cycles in routine and/or extraordinary maintenance and/or corrective breakdown.
  • "Services": means all services performed by qualified personnel (specialized technician) on the equipment taken over; by way of example only: technical examinations, technical diagnosis, tests, trials, repairs, regeneration, maintenance etc.
  1. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to the sale or supply of all Products/Services, by STI to the Customer and, accordingly, shall constitute to substantial part of any Offer/Agreement/Contract. For the benefit of clarity, these Terms and Conditions govern any supply commissioned from STI (hereinafter the "Supplier") by the Customer of any Product or Service provided by STI.
  2. Each individual order detached by the Principal shall be governed by these General Terms and Conditions and shall become effective upon its acceptance communicated in writing by STI to the Principal. With the completion of the Order, according to the aforementioned modalities, the Contract between the parties for the execution of the supply governed by these general terms and conditions and/or the special conditions and/or the Order itself shall be deemed to be finalized.
  3. In no event shall any conditions referred to in the Customer's Purchase Order derogate from or take precedence over these Terms and Conditions, which are the sole source of contractual settlement together with the Offer, if any.
  4. Any conflicts, inconsistencies, differences, gaps between contractual documents governing the sale of Products/Services or maintenance activities provided by STI for the benefit of the Customer will be resolved by applying the following order of precedence:
    1. The Order.
    2. Particular Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
    3. General Terms and Conditions for the sale of products and services.
  5. Any different or additional terms contained in any order confirmation, general instruction, purchase term, or other writing of the Customer shall be considered a material modification to these Terms and shall have no legal force or effect with respect to the provisions of these General Conditions and/or any special conditions and/or the order. The commencement of service or shipment shall not be construed as acceptance of any of the Customer's terms or conditions. Commercial uses are not appropriate to supplement or modify these Terms and Conditions.
  6. These Terms may be amended by STI by posting an updated version on its website, provided that, with respect to each Agreement or Offer, the version of the Terms in effect on the effective date of that Agreement or the date of that Offer shall apply.
  7. Unless expressly waived in writing subject to specific negotiation between the Parties, in the event of a conflict between the provisions set forth in the Order and those in these General Terms and Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
    Any terms and conditions proposed by the Customer that differ from those set forth in these General Terms and Conditions shall only apply if accepted in writing by STI, otherwise they shall remain of no effect.
  8. Any of the Customer's general terms and conditions that may be contained in or referred to in the Customer's Purchase Order shall be of no effect unless STI has expressly accepted them in writing and made specific reference to them in its acceptance.
  1. The price of the Products/Services are those expressly stated in the Offer/Contract/Agreement and are exclusive of VAT. The price includes only the items stated in the offer and/or order acceptance and does not, under any circumstances, include taxes, charges, fees and/or duties and/or transportation charges (e.g., pickup, shipping, etc.) of any kind that may fall on the Products/Services. Deductions, such as withholding or discounts not granted, are not possible. The price is valid only for the quantities offered, for the payment terms specified, and for orders received during the period of validity of the offer.
  2. As consideration for the sale of the Products and/or performance of the Services by STI, the Customer shall pay all Prices and fees arranged by the Offer/Contract/Agreement and this Article.
  3. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing between STI and the Customer, Prices shall be those applicable on the date of billing, according to the current price list and/or Offer/Contract/Agreement between the Parties. Regarding the sale of Products/Services regulated by a Price List, STI reserves the right to change the List Prices and/or update the list of Products and Services contained therein. STI will notify the Customer of the change, in writing (e-mail), within 30 (thirty) days of the publication (on its website) of the change. Where, due to the need for documentary traceability, the Customer needs to issue formal Purchase Order (no. ODA) or equivalent identifier to officially confirm the Bids/Contracts/Agreements proposed by STI, the same Customer undertakes and obliges to initial this document for acceptance and at the same time to affix the relevant ODA number or equivalent by inserting it in the space provided for this purpose; should the Customer need, for its exclusive benefit, that this reference (no. ODA or equivalent) should be included in the administrative documentation (e.g., Bills of Lading, invoices, etc.) issued by STI, the same expressly acknowledges and accepts that, where the no.
    ODA (or equivalent) is not included in the aforesaid documents and/or issued with accompanying document at the same time as the signing of the Bids/Contacts/Agreements proposed by STI, the absence of the same in the aforesaid documents shall not be, in any way, considered as a reason for non-payment and/or delayed payment with respect to the agreed deadline.
    It is understood that, the delayed issuance of the no. ODA (or equivalent) with respect to the date of signing of the Bids/Contracts/Agreements proposed by STI, completely exempts STI from recall no. ODA (or equivalent) in its documentation, without in any way compromising the payment of the invoice on the agreed due date. If, due to the need for procedural and/or documentary traceability, once the service better specified in the Bids/Contracts/Agreements proposed by STI has been provided and/or delivered, the Customer needs to authorize (e.g., through the issuance of a unique code) the billing of the same, the same Customer undertakes, in the absence of reservations and/or disputes, to issue the relevant authorization no later than the peremptory term of 5 (five) working days from the notice of completion of work and/or delivery (DDT) sent by STI. It is understood that, failure to and/or delay in issuing the invoice authorization within the aforementioned deadlines, equally legitimizes STI to issue the invoice without jeopardizing, in any way, the payment of the same on the agreed due date.
  4. Where the nature of the performance of the Services provided by STI permits, STI may make split deliveries, in which case it will invoice each delivery separately, in accordance with the terms of the contract; any dispute by the Customer even for late delivery does not entitle the Customer to suspend or delay payment.
  5. STI may present the invoice to the Customer when the Products are shipped, or when the Services have been performed. STI may require: (i) That the Customer pay on predetermined payment dates; (ii) a down payment on the Price (or any part thereof); and/or (iii) the issuance of invoices according to different specific stages, set time periods or states of performance. The Customer shall make net payments, within the stipulated time and in the stipulated manner, to the bank account specified by STI. The Customer shall pay all amounts due to STI in full, without any set-off, reconvention, deduction or withholding (tax). Notwithstanding the above, any invoice that expires on a date that is not a bank business day shall be paid on the previous bank business day.
  6. In the absence of specific stipulations regarding the method of payment for the Services provided by STI, the Customer acknowledges and accepts that payment shall be made by Bank Transfers to the bank account indicated by STI, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the invoice. Transmission of sums to STI always occurs at the Client's risk.
  7. In any case of non-acceptance of the quotation, non-notification of acceptance or rejection of the quotation by the Customer, the Customer may request that the part and/or component subject to technical analysis be sent back to him; in this case STI will prepare the part and/or component ready for collection by the courier appointed by the Customer and whose expenses will be borne by the Customer. It is understood that, by way of reimbursement of expenses for the verification activity carried out, after the period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of sending the estimate to the Client, the Client shall owe to STI, unless otherwise agreed between the parties, a lump sum for the technical analysis service quantified in 5% (five percent) of the value of the estimate issued, with an allowance of € 100 (one hundred euros) + VAT as per Law.
  8. In the event of late payment, the Customer hereby undertakes to pay STI any amount due for principal, plus default interest calculated in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 231 of October 9, 2022, and Legislative Decree No.
    192,. It is understood that failure, late or incorrect payment of any amount owed by the Customer to STI will result in (i) automatic forfeiture of any benefit of the term granted, with STI's right to claim the full amount due without further waiting, and (ii ) revocation of any credit facilities.
  1. To secure payment for the Products and/or Services delivered and/or provided, STI may avail itself, pursuant to Art. 2756, paragraph 3 of the Civil Code, of the right of retention on the assets subject to Repair and/or Regeneration.
  2. STI may take back used and/or failed equipment and/or individual component parts, according to specific agreements with the Customer. These equipment/component parts could, in fact, be surrendered by the customer to STI for repair, remanufacturing, recovery of certain components, or disposal. Depending on the case, equipment/component parts may be transferred upon agreement with the Customer and possible technical analysis. The transfer of such equipment/component parts could be defined through appropriate written or verbal contracts and transport documents identifying the reason for the transfer. Again, based on any contracting, invoices may possibly be issued by the Customer to STI.
  3. It is understood that the equipment and/or individual component parts subject to transfer are transferred in the state of fact and law in which they are found, without certifications or guarantees; in this regard, the Customer expressly exonerates STI from any possible liability on behalf of third-party entities (e.g., GSE, Etc.) as of the date of the transfer.
  1. STI warrants the Products and/or Services delivered and/or dispensed against any anomaly attributable to defects in workmanship, due to workmanship or replacement materials used; therefore, in the event that any such defects and/or malfunctions are found within the warranty period, STI undertakes to correct and/or eliminate them. In the absence of a specific agreement in the special conditions, the warranty period shall be 12 (twelve) months from the date of delivery (DDT date) or end of activity/delivery of work in the case of maintenance activities performed directly at the Customer's site. Unless otherwise specifically agreed upon by the Parties from time to time, the warranty covered by this article shall be issued on the individual components repaired and/or replaced.
  2. In any case, the warranty issued by STI does not extend to Repair/Regeneration/Maintenance activities and/or products/services/performances that are found to be non-conforming, defective and/or damaged due to:
    1. Of modifications, installations, additions, or variants performed by the Client or its agents;
    2. of operating conditions different from what is stated in the contract or otherwise from what is stated in the manufacturer's technical specifications and/or prescriptions that may be issued by the TSI itself;
    3. Removal of any warranty seals affixed by STI;
    4. Failure to comply with the installation, operation and maintenance instructions as described in the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals issued by the equipment manufacturer;
    5. Damage due to mishandling during removal/installation of a part/component if not performed by STI personnel;
    6. of inexperience, negligence, lack of competence of others' personnel, failure to comply with the technical requirements stated in the user manuals or data sheets for use of the systems/products, including any tampering/modification;
    7. of mishandling during loading/unloading, storage, inadequate packaging, improper storage and use, damage and defects caused by transportation;
    8. Of maintenance, repair and any other activities carried out by the Client or third parties;
    9. of normal wear and tear of the products/services/performances, either ordinary wear and tear due to normal operation or that generated by external causes, or extraordinary wear and tear or failure due to overloaded operation, misuse, or external causes such as excessive moisture, dust, poor ventilation, marine corrosion or salty air in the installation environment, corrosive agents, electromagnetic fields, static energy, changes in the quality of electricity supply, etc.
    10. Damage generated by surges originating from the DC (Direct Current) side of the PV generator from the AC (Alternating Current) side of the power grid.
    11. consumable products or materials subject to wear and tear such as fuses, surge arresters, batteries, relays, micro-contacts, micro-switches, handles, buttons, indicator lights, or other components of negligible economic value.
    12. Of exceptional events and Force Majeure causes.
  3. Furthermore, the Customer expressly acknowledges that no warranty is issued, nor acknowledged, under any circumstances, on LOGIC BOARD, MOTHERBOARD, MOTHERBOARD, CONTROL UNIT, CONTROL UNIT, MOTHERBOARD, even where they were the subject of repair and/or maintenance activities of any nature whatsoever, whether they pertain to hardware components (e.g., memories, DSP, programmed chips, etc.), and/or software - (e.g., firmware, command/control software, etc.),
  4. The work and/or services inherent in warranty repair or replacement shall, in STI's judgment, be performed at such time and in such manner as is appropriate and reasonable according to the availability and circumstances of the case; by virtue of this warranty, STI undertakes to repair and/or replace, at its option and at the agreed place, the defective parts or, if repair/replacement under warranty is not possible, to reimburse the Customer for the amount paid for the service in question Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, it is understood that the replaced parts remain the property of STI and may be removed by it from the installation.
  5. The Customer shall immediately notify STI of any defect that becomes apparent, fully describing its nature and making the defective part available to STI to enable STI to diagnose, correct and/or eliminate such defect.
  6. Under no circumstances will the warranty cover direct or indirect damage to persons or property and is the only warranty granted to the Customer, superseding any other express, implied, or statutory conditions or warranties not explicitly acknowledged by STI. In any case, STI's warranty for defects and faults is limited to the maximum amount of the value of the services of Products and/or Services delivered and/or provided stated on the invoice, with specific reference to the value of the individual item/component subject to any claim.
  7. The guarantee always excludes STI's obligation to respond for hidden defects beyond the specified period.
  8. Repair and/or replacement of a defective item concerning the Services will not change the start date of the warranty period for the entire Service rendered.
  9. Warranty rights will be suspended and cannot be claimed in any way if the Customer fails to make full or partial payment for the product/component and/or services for which warranty service is requested.
  10. Any other warranty rights not expressly described herein remain excluded.
  1. Warranty rights may be exercised during the period of validity of the warranty referred to in Art. 5(a) above and in an immediate form at the time of detection of any anomalies, except when they are visible defects; in this case, in fact, the claim must be made within a maximum time of 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of the products/components or the completion of the maintenance/repair/on-site technical assistance service. The Customer who, within the above terms, wishes to exercise the warranty rights set forth herein shall proceed in the following manner: (i) Immediately notify Customer Service in writing (e-mail) by completing in its entirety and signing for acceptance the "TICKET form". This document should be sent to the e-mail address
  2. Warranty rights may be exercised during the period of validity of the warranty referred to in Art. 5(a) above and in an immediate form at the time of detection of any anomalies, except when they are visible defects; in this case, in fact, the claim must be made within a maximum time of 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of the products/components or the completion of the maintenance/repair/on-site technical assistance service.
  3. The Customer who, within the above terms, wishes to exercise the warranty rights set forth herein shall proceed in the following manner:
    1. Send formal TICKET immediately by filling it in completely.
    2. Upon receipt of the claim, STI will analyze and verify whether such a claim is covered by the warranty terms described herein and inform the Customer of the procedure to be followed.
    3. In case the claim is covered by the warranty terms and the claim concerns products and/or components that can be repaired in the laboratory (e.g. string inverters, power modules, electronic boards, etc.) STI will arrange, at its own expense, to collect the claimed product and/or component for repair at STI's laboratories, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5(c) above. If upon arrival at STI laboratories, the product and/or component is found to be in perfect working condition, STI will notify the Customer of any costs arising from the analysis and testing procedures performed. In the event that, the defect found on the product and / or component does not fall under the clauses covered by the warranty, STI will carry out the provisions of the previous Art. 5 letter c) only after informing the Customer through the sending of a business proposal and received its formal acceptance by the Customer. It is understood that any repair and/or replacement of parts does not extend the warranty period.
    4. In case the claim is covered by the warranty terms and the claim concerns products and/or components that cannot be repaired in the laboratory and on-site technical intervention is required STI will arrange for on-site technical intervention in accordance with Art. 5(c) above. STI will replace and/or repair the malfunctioning product/component. In the event that, the defect found on the product and/or component does not fall under the clauses covered by the warranty, STI will carry out the provisions of Art. 5 letter c) above only after informing the Customer through the sending of a business proposal and receiving relative formal acceptance from the Customer. It is understood that any repair and/or replacement of parts does not extend the warranty period. On-site service will be carried out only through qualified and authorized personnel. In the event of on-site intervention by STI personnel, the Customer shall arrange for a responsible person to ensure safe and undelayed access. The presence of a person appointed by the Customer will be a prerequisite for the provision of the service, since actions on other parts of the installation/system may be required to resolve issues. Said appointee will also be responsible for monitoring the work performance and timelines employed by STI staff.
  4. In the event that the defect and/or malfunction found in the product/component being claimed is not within the clauses covered by the warranty, all costs associated with the activities referred to in the previous points (iii) and (iv) of this Article, shall be borne by the Customer.
    No claim will be accepted without a properly completed claim form ("TICKET form").
  5. The decision to repair or replace in defective product will be made exclusively by STI.
  1. In the absence of different indications from the Client, the work is understood to be governed by the provisions of Art. 26 of Leg. 81/2008.
  2. With regard to the facilities/equipment on which our work is planned. technical personnel, it will be the Customer's burden and responsibility to secure the site and secure the facilities/equipment by performing the appropriate maneuvers. Specifically, the Client shall:
    1. inform STI of the general and specific risks; in particular, by sending, where applicable, with this request the DUVRI (Unified Document for the Evaluation of Interference Risks) or other equivalent documentation in accordance with the law;
    2. Provide for the disconnection of power supplies, and in general, for taking equipment and related devices out of service;
    3. Ensure the presence of its own specialized personnel at the place where the intervention takes place.
  3. In the event of non-compliance with these provisions STI may suspend activities and/or terminate the contract as of right.
  4. The Client will make the following items available to staff:
    1. lifting machines, equipment, consumables, and power sources necessary for the specialist to provide services; the STI specialist is not obligated to use machines or equipment that are in his or her judgment defective, unsafe, or otherwise unfit for purpose;
    2. Lighting and heating systems in the workplace, and other facilities necessary for the performance of activities;
    3. Administrative and safety procedures required for access to the area involved in the intervention, including special personal protective equipment.
  1. Rates do not include economic charges related to safety, which will be calculated separately based on the activities to be performed and the documents (DUVRI, PSC etc.) that the Client will provide to STI. The same are to be considered as additional costs on rates and not subject to rebate.
  1. STI's responsibilities are limited to the obligations defined in each individual Contract. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in individual Contracts, subject to the mandatory provisions of law, STI's liability for damages, expenses, penalties, repair or reinstatement work under the warranties granted to the Customer, or claims arising out of or otherwise connected with the Contract, in each case:
    1. must be understood to be limited to emergent damage that is a direct and immediate consequence of a compensable event, the compensability of lost earnings, consequential, or indirect damage, or immaterial damage being excluded;
    2. and shall be understood to be limited in aggregate to an amount not exceeding the total amount of the referenced Contract with specific reference to the value of the individual item/component subject to any claim.
  2. The party claiming some liability of the other, within the scope of its obligations, is required to act with due diligence in order to reduce damages, and/or to prevent the occurrence of further damages.
  3. Under no circumstances will STI be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, lost production predita, revenue or benefits(lucrum cessans), loss of yield or availability, replacement, stoppage, waiting or labor costs, costs of changes and others of a financial nature, loss of data, reputation or goodwill, indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages, regardless of whether such damages are based on tort, warranty, contract or otherwise-even if STI has been advised or is aware of the possibility of occurrence of such damages.
  4. Without prejudice to when regulated in the previous Art. 3, letter a) of this document, where, for any specific needs agreed in writing between the Parties, STI should agree to operate, through selected couriers/shippers, the transportation (i.e. pick-up, forwarding, etc.) of the Products, the provisions set forth in Art.
    1696 of the Civil Code regarding "Limits and compensation for damages for loss or damage of transported things."
  5. Under no circumstances will STI be liable for the loss of data contained within any apparatus that is capable of storing process or sensitive data, regardless of whether such damages are based on tort, warranty, contract, or otherwise-even if STI has been advised or is aware of the possibility of occurrence of such damages.
  6. The report of any defect or discrepancy in the product or service shall be made under penalty of forfeiture no later than eight (8) days from the discovery of the same.
  1. Cases of Force Majeure shall constitute any event and any related effect beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, including but not limited to:
    1. wars (declared or undeclared), foreign acts, hostilities, rebellions, terrorism, revolutions, insurrections, coups d'état or civil war;
    2. discovery of war munitions, explosives, ionizing radiation or radioactivity contamination;
    3. riots, unrest or disturbances, except for those limited to STI employees;
    4. Vandalism, theft, damage;
    5. destructive natural events such as earthquakes, storms, floods, sandstorms, hurricanes, typhoons, volcanic activity or other non-ordinary events;
    6. events that do not allow the work to be carried out in accordance with safety and accident prevention regulations;
    7. any labor disputes;
    8. Difficulties in sourcing components or raw materials;
    9. acts or omissions of Authorities or third parties empowered by legal regulations.
  2. Neither Party shall be deemed to be in default of its obligations under the Contract to the extent that the performance of such obligations is prevented by any Force Majeure circumstance occurring after the Contract becomes effective. A Party who believes that a circumstance of Force Majeure has occurred which may affect its obligations shall promptly notify the other Party.
  3. Should the circumstances of Force Majeure continue for a period of 90 (ninety) days, each party shall be entitled to invoke the termination of the Contract after 15 (fifteen) days' notice. If, on the expiration date of the 15 (fifteen) day period, Force Majeure circumstances are still in place, the Contract shall be deemed terminated.
  4. If the Contract is terminated in accordance with this clause, STI shall nevertheless receive payment for the consideration for the Products and/or Services delivered and/or provided on the effective date of termination.
  1. The term Confidential Information (hereinafter: Confidential Information) means all information, in whatever form or nature, that each Party provides to the other Party during the period of performance of the Contract and that (i) have been marked as confidential; or (ii) are of such a nature that a company in the relevant industry would treat them as confidential under similar circumstances.
  2. Without limiting any of the obligations on the Parties under the Contract Documents, each Party shall:
    1. receive the Confidential Information under the obligation of strict confidentiality, not disclose it to third parties and use it only in connection with the fulfillment of its obligations under the Contract Documents;
    2. Limit the dissemination of Confidential Information to its employees, its subsidiaries and parent companies, its subcontractors and suppliers who will have a need to know the same for the performance of their obligations under the Contract Documents, ensuring that they are bound by terms of confidentiality similar to those set forth in this Clause;
    3. Acknowledge that all Confidential Information, including any copies, reports, or summaries containing such Confidential Information (regardless of its medium) will remain the sole property of the disclosing Party.
  3. The confidentiality obligations in this Clause do not apply to any Confidential Information that:
    1. Was in the possession of the receiving Party prior to its disclosure by the disclosing Party and was not acquired by the disclosing Party, or
    2. Is or has been acquired by third parties, not burdened with obligations of confidentiality in relation to the same, or
    3. is or has become public knowledge, for reasons not attributable to the breach of confidentiality obligations incumbent on the Receiving Party.

Specific Confidential Information disclosed to the Receiving Party will not fall under the above exceptions merely because it is traceable to more general information that is or will become (i) in the public domain, i.e. (ii) in the previous possession of the receiving Party. The provisions of this Clause shall be effective for five (5) years after (i) the expiration of the Contract-for any reason-or (ii) the termination of the Contract

STI may proceed to suspend and/or terminate the performance of the Supply where any of the following circumstances occur: (a) the Customer delays a payment due to STI, for a period longer than 30 days from the date on which the claim became due; (b) if the Customer fails to fulfill the obligations necessary for STI to in turn perform the Supply or provide the Service; (c) the delivery and/or performance of the subject matter of the Supply is prevented by the lack of export license or other legal restrictions, for a period exceeding six months. If STI suspends the performance of its obligations, the Customer shall bear all additional costs resulting from the suspension.

Without prejudice to the foregoing and except as otherwise provided in these General Conditions, STI, may terminate the Contract in whole or in part, pursuant to and for the purposes of Art. 1456 c.c., by written notice to be sent 30 days in advance, if any of the circumstances provided for in subparagraphs a), b), c).

  1. All relations between STI and the Customer will be governed by Italian law.
  2. For any dispute that may arise between the Parties, the Court of Ascoli Piceno shall have exclusive jurisdiction, with the express exclusion of any forum that may compete with the one expressly elected by the parties.
  1. STI will process your personal data in compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation 679/2016 ('GDPR') and Legislative Decree. 196/2003. The data will be processed in paper, electronic and telematic format for the following purposes: (i) Administrative management of the Supply or Service Agreement, (ii) Management of your business and technical inquiries, (iii) performance of obligations arising from the contractual relations entered into between the Customer and STI. Fulfillment of legal obligations. The data controller is STI S.r.l. Via dell'Artigianato IV Traversa, 5 63076 Monteprandone (AP) - Italy in the person of the pro-tempore legal representative. In relation to the processing of data you can exercise, where applicable, the rights under Articles 15-21 GDPR and Art. 7 Leg. 196/2003. Place of data processing: Italy.
  2. In any case, STI is committed to managing the processing of personal data in compliance with European and Italian privacy regulations. The Parties undertake to keep strictly private and confidential and to refrain from using for causes unrelated to the subject matter of the Contract, all Information that one Party will entrust to the other in connection with the execution of the Contract. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Parties further undertake to limit access to the Information to personnel strictly essential for the performance of the Supply and the obligations under the Contract. It is understood that the foregoing will not apply with respect to Information that, as of the date of completion of the Contract, (i) are in the public domain, (ii) are already in the availability of the Parties without any breach of confidentiality obligations, or (iii) the disclosure of which is prescribed by provisions of Law or orders of Authorities.

Revision L_GN001_EN_R001 dated 30/08/2024


Via dell'Artigianato IV Traversa, 5 63076 · Monteprandone (AP) ITA

Lun-ven: 09:00 - 18:00

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Via dell'Artigianato IV Traversa, 5 63076 - Monteprandone (AP) ITA

Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 18:00